We have seen a massive improvement.


Early warning system leads to consistent performance improvement


Ensuring members receive the right information and support to plan for the future is Hesta’s priority. Hesta wanted more members to explore the free services included in their membership. But the amount of support conversations with members had begun to decline. To address this, Hesta needed confident consultants equipped with the skills to initiate a secondary conversation with members.

Hesta turned to YakTrak for answers. An early warning system was set up that could pinpoint the key behaviours, leadership activity and consultant development needed to develop the required skills.

In partnership with GRIST Consulting, additional coaching was provided over eight weeks. YakTrak also ensured the quality and quantity of leadership and customer interactions were of a high level.

The results over 8 weeks were significant and sustained:

  • 116% improvement in member referrals to learn more about their membership
  • 39% improvement in the quality of customer interactions
  • A lift in the quality of referrals

Learn more about YakTrak’s employee development software solutions.


“We have seen a massive improvement in terms of making the conversations we are having easier, it’s a doorway to better conversations”

– Chen Tang, Team Leader, Link Group